Puppy Camp
Our groomers cover all of the basics from the paws up! This service includes a full bath, brush out, ears cleaned, nail trimming, anal glad check, fur trim and then a bow or bandanna. Prices will vary by size and breed.

Board and Train
For a real spa experience, opt for our amazing deluxe bath! Everything that is included in the pet grooming plus a luxurious wash, full fur cut, and accessories. Prices will vary by breed and size of the animal as well.

Private Lessons
Going away for a day and need a pet sitter? No problem! We offer pet daycare services here at Midway Dog Academy! We also offer packages that add in grooming and other a la carte services for your pet while they are here with us.

Pack Leader
Are your dog’s nails clipping on the floor when he walks? Does he accidentally scratch you? Time for a nail trim! This is quite the task and makes most owners nervous to do it on their own, but no worries, let our grooming experts handle it!

Dog Boarding
Your pet needs dental care just like you, and I do! We offer full-service dental cleanings and mouth care for your cat or dog. Bring them in today so we can make their pearly whites shine again!

Online Training
Looking for online dog training? Look no further! Our online dog coaching can help and answer any questions that you may have about your dog!
Talk To A Trainer Today!
Our Philosophy
Our grooming services are tailored around your cat or dog, including everything from luxurious bathing and coat trimming, to nail- trimming, teeth cleaning and even daycare! We also offer some specialty services personalized for your breed.
Our goal is to make sure you and your pet leave Midway Dog Academy, happy and relaxed. We want to get to know you and your pet so that we can provide the best recommendations and top-notch care for you both. Visit us today; whether it is for grooming or pet daycare, we want you to have the knowledge that you’re getting the best care from professionals who genuinely care about you and your pet. Come by today and let us show you!